The gartner magic quadrant for enterprise content management

The gartner magic quadrant for enterprise content management

Source publication

in The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE), Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 9-22. EJISE is a journal published by ACL in England. Available online at ISSN: 1566-6379. (Papers is refereed through a double-blind process) Content management systems (CMS) provide an optimal solution by organising information and, mostly,...

... Since the design and definition of the firsts CMS [3], its use in different sectors has been extended, and its use to design news websites is especially valuable [4]. In this context, for the recommendation of content to the readers of the digital media, different approaches have been studied [5]: ...

Nowadays, traditional media are experiencing a strong change. The collapse of advertising-based revenues on paper newspapers has forced publishers to concentrate efforts on optimizing the results of online newspapers published on the Web by improving content management systems. Moreover, if we put the focus on small or medium-sized media, we find the additional problem of the shortage of single users, very necessary to properly model recommendation systems that help increase the number of visits and advertising impacts. In this work, we present an approach for performing automatic recommendation form news in this hard context combining matrix factoring and semantic techniques. We have implemented our solution in a modular architecture design to give flexibility to the creation of elements that take advantage of these recommendations, and also with great monitoring possibilities. Experimental results in real environments are promising, improving outcomes regarding traffic redirection and clicks on ads.

... Since the design and definition of the firsts CMS [3], its use in different sectors has been extended, and its use to design news websites is especially valuable [4]. In this context, for the recommendation of content to the readers of the digital media, different approaches have been studied [5]: ...

Nowadays, traditional media are experiencing a strong change. The collapse of advertising-based revenues on paper newspapers has forced publishers to concentrate efforts on optimizing the results of online newspapers published on the Web by improving content management systems. Moreover, if we put the focus on small or medium-sized media, we find the additional problem of the shortage of single users, very necessary to properly model recommendation systems that help increase the number of visits and advertising impacts. In this work, we present an approach for performing automatic recommendation form news in this hard context combining matrix factoring and semantic techniques. We have implemented our solution in a modular architecture design to give flexibility to the creation of elements that take advantage of these recommendations, and also with great monitoring possibilities. Experimental results in real environments are promising, improving outcomes regarding traffic redirection and clicks on ads.

... It likewise gives the command over substance creation and appropriation. 11 There are three stages in the Content Management System as appeared in Figure 1. ...

Objective: To design and Develop CMS for Sindhi e-newspaper by using the searching techniques. Methods/analysis: Existing e-newspapers are not implementing any CMS with searching techniques. The research methodology is supposed to b experimental. A web CMS is developed for Sindhi e-newspaper by using the following tools/technologies: JavaServer Faces, MYSQL and Apache Tomcat. Findings: All news material is set at the server in the Sindhi language and information is rendered precisely on account of the Unicode support. Novelty/improvement: Structured Web Content Management System is easy to understand that gives the news thing classifications. The web-based interface is accessible to peruse neighborhood news like Kawish, Express, and Dawn that are not much easy to understand and every substance is accessible in the picture group just as a composed substance that is the reason there is no scanning module to look for specific news things. We have organized and built up an application for neighborhood newspapers and provided a checking module to look for a required substance of the news content. The looking is unfathomably astoundingly smart since Apache Lucene is working at rear close during interest.

... Information and content are terms oftenly used as synonyms, but which has precise meaning that distinguishes one from the other. Information is defined as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient [1] while content is a suite of structured data that a computer can organize in a system for the collection, management and publication [2]. The authors further states that information becomes content when it is used for one or more purposes. ...

... The authors further states that information becomes content when it is used for one or more purposes. Its value is the amount of its primary form, application, uniqueness, usability and significance [2]. ...

... In turn, information workers spend 30% of their working day searching for data and approximately 15-25% on un-productive tasks [4]. ECM looks at managing all enterprise information which includes paper documents, data, reports, websites and all digital assets [5]. Organisations that operate in the financial services sector have a large amount of unstructured content and information overload [6]. ...

  • Chris H Hoëseb
  • Lisa F Seymour Lisa F Seymour

The need for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is increasing in the current financial services landscape as it is one of the drivers towards a more structured content environment that can improve information access and distribution. Yet implementations of ECM have had challenges. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe these challenges in the Southern African Development Community region. This descriptive case study made use of a deductive approach. A theoretical framework was used to classify ECM challenges into enterprise, business process, content, technology and change management challenges respectively. The results indicate that enterprise challenges and change management challenges present the most significant challenges to successful ECM implementation initiatives. The major challenges that were identified were a lack of scope management and understanding and stakeholder engagement.

... Despite that the ECMS functionalities mentioned by Grahlmann et al. [7] is useful to organizations for selecting an ECMS product and compare the functionalities offered by different vendors [7], it is found that there is a lack of understanding as to how these technologies and its functionalities is important to support specific organizational goals and business needs [1]. Vitari et al. (2006) claim that choosing suitable ECMS to support organizational needs is a complicated task since there is no framework that guides organizations to understand how to actually use these technologies. ...

The aim of this paper is to design a conceptual model that can be used by practitioners and researchers to better understand how they can possibly use Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS) in supporting their business operations. In designing the model, this research has reviewed ECMS literature that provides insight on how these technologies work. ECMS researchers point to two possible ways to understand and explore how ECMS is used to support business operations. These two possible ways provides a direction to this study which is, to: (1) consider organization's business process structure as a starting point to understand ECMS-use; and (2) examine the interaction between technologies (ECMS), the organizational context, processes, business needs and users that shape certain ways of using these technologies. At the end of this paper, a research model that guide practitioners to understand ways to maximize and benefit from ECMS-use is presented. Business and IT managers could use the model to better understand ways to apply ECMS in their daily work practices to conduct business. On the other hand, IS researchers could use this model to further conduct empirical investigation to get a deeper understanding of ECMS-use and uncover qualities that have not been discovered in this study.

... Por su parte la accesibilidad Web se la define como la práctica de crear sitios Web cuyo contenido se accesible para todos, y en particular para aquellos con necesidades especiales [2]. El Consorcio World Wide Web (W3C) promueve los estándares de accesibilidad para personas con discapacidades a través de la Iniciativa de Accesibilidad Web (WAI) y las Guías de Accesibilidad Web 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) las cuales consisten en una serie de recomendaciones para crear contenidos Web accesibles [5]. ...

... Un WCMS provee herramientas que permiten la creación y administración de contenidos publicados en un sitio Web. Sin embargo, cuando el contenido es generado utilizando un WCMS, no hay garantías que éste cumpla con las recomendaciones definidas por la W3C, que asegure que dicho contenido sea accesible [2]. ...

... Una evaluación previa, realizada por un conjunto de expertos en desarrollo Web en el ámbito local, de más de 15 WCMS considerados como posibles candidatos, así como literatura y reportes obtenidos de organizaciones independientes dedicadas al análisis y estudio comparativo de los WCMS de código abierto disponibles en el medio [2], junto con los reportes de investigación y tesis de grado referentes a los proyectos desarrollados dentro de la ESPOL [16] fueron considerados dentro del proceso de selección de los mejores candidatos. ...

Resumen El presente artículo resume el proyecto de desarrollo de un Sistema de Administración de Contenido Web (WCMS) que permite la creación y administración de contenido Web accesible, basado en la modificación de un WCMS base que cumple con un conjunto de requerimientos funcionales, no-funcionales y de accesibilidad previamente definidos. El proyecto en su primera parte involucró el estudio de los WCMS de código abierto disponibles, para luego seleccionar el WCMS base que será modificado con el objetivo de asegurar la generación de contenido Web accesible. Así mismo involucró el estudio y contextualización al medio ecuatoriano de las guías de accesibilidad Web WCAG 1.0, las cuales posteriormente fueron incorporadas al WCMS base para de esta forma obtener un WCMS capaz de generar contenido Web accesible. El WCMS desarrollado fue puesto a prueba considerando los escenarios más comunes a los que se pudiera enfrentar. Al final del artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos, así como las conclusiones y trabajos futuros. Abstract This paper presents an approach for developing an accessible WCMS, based on an Open Source CMS. An analysis of current CMS available and their suitability to become accessible CMS is described, as well as, an analysis of the feasibility of including accessibility guidelines in a proposed WCMS. The paper includes an evaluation procedure to test usability of the resulting WCMS. Finally, some conclusions and future work are proposed.

... e platforms, and the adoption of common standards and protocols " are the main reasons behind ECM convergence. The benefits of ECM can be summarized as: compliance, efficiency, consistency, customer service, consolidation, and risk alleviation. In the acquisition phase, ECM systems are selected by comparing system features to business requirements. Benevolo and Negri (2007) discuss the mismatch between organizations' needs and the functions of information management products including document and records management systems, web CMS, and ECM systems. The authors compare the characteristics of 22 international products to the following organizational needs: information collection, management, and publicatio ...

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of enterprise content management (ECM) research, a conceptual framework of areas of concern regarding ECM, and an agenda for future ECM research, based on the review and conceptual framework. Design/methodology/approach – To gain an understanding of the ECM literature, a structured research approach is adopted, consisting of two phases. The first phase consists of identifying the relevant ECM research papers. In the second phase, the analysis phase, the current ECM research is categorized based on three structural pillars: system component dimensions, system lifecycle, and strategic managerial aspects. Findings – After a review and classification of 91 ECM publications, it is found that ECM involves several sophisticated and interacting technical, social, organizational, and business aspects. The current ECM literature can be grouped around three main pillars: the first pillar consists of the four ECM component dimensions (tools, strategy, process, and people). The second pillar is the enterprise system lifecycle (adoption, acquisition, evolution, and evaluation). The final pillar is the strategic managerial aspect (change management, and management commitment). Based on the review and a proposed conceptual framework, an agenda for future research around the aforementioned three pillars is suggested. Originality/value – There is a lack of ECM meta‐analysis research that explains the current state of the field. This paper contributes to information systems research by describing and classifying the published literature in ECM and by pointing out the gaps where further research is most needed. Furthermore, the paper provides a framework that may provide a conceptual structure for future studies.

... Ciclo de vida. La mayoría de artículos acerca de administración contenidos, coinciden en señalar que un sistema de este tipo debe ofrecer, como mínimo, una aplicación central CMS que soporte los procesos de publicación, flujo de trabajo y repositorios de información[24] [21] [25][26] ...

  • Nervo Verdezoto Dias Nervo Verdezoto Dias
  • Guido Alfredo Caicedo Rossi

Nowadays, there are Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) simple and complex. A simple WCMS has few features; they show a simple interface and a poor navigability and user interaction. While a complex WCMS has extended functionality, but with reduced navigability and its usability. Based on these arguments, this work proposes a WCMS fulfilling three basic features in a web system: functionality, nice look, and greater usability. In order to do that, we establish a conceptual model that is adequate for users and administrators of a WCMS, who don't have the time or expertise to go through a long learning process.

... A WCMS is a content management system (CMS), implemented as a Web application. It provides flexible and simple tools for creating and managing content published in a Web site [1]. ...

... In contrast to initiatives such as Edimaster Plus [11] and RiS-Kommunal [6], who prefer to begin the development of a new accessible WCMS from scratch, the authors chose to modify an open source WCMS, available and baptized in this research as "WCMS base"; similarly, to the Accessible Joomla Project (ae8) 1 . The modifications made to this WCMS allow the user to create and manage Web sites with accessible content without the need for this user to know Web accessibility standards. ...

This paper presents an approach for developing an accessible WCMS, based on an Open Source CMS. An analysis of current CMS available and their suitability to become accessible CMS is described, as well as, an analysis of the feasibility of including accessibility guidelines in a proposed WCMS. The paper includes an evaluation procedure to test usability of the resulting WCMS. Finally, some conclusions and future work are proposed.